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Fall Essential Wardrobe Pieces

Fall...it is finally here. Long sleeves with shorts, coffee, leaves, camping, football, our annual party, cooking, cabins, the switch from white to red wine...ahhhh

A fall wardrobe is one of my most favorites. Well lets not lie, FALL in general is my most favorite time of year. Boots, long sweaters, snuggly items to wear while curled up with a cup of coffee and a great book like this one, by a fire. One item that I feel I live in almost all year round but ESPECIALLY in boot season is the Lou and Grey leggings. When they are on sale I stock up. They are the best for lounging, walking around town, work, you name it they can be worn. 
image borrowed from the www.loft.com

and the best part is they are 40% off now!!! Just use code FALLSTYLE :)

Next essential fall item is a GREAT pair of boots. You know the ones, warm, snuggly, soft, great with skinny jeans, leggings and even shorts...that pair. The ones you plan to live in. For my go to boot this year I chose Toms Nepal boots. 

image borrowed from www.toms.com 

You can order them here from Toms and of course you know the story behind Toms One for One

Check back for more fall essentials and wish list items like these from Toms!
What is your go to for your fall wardrobe. What do you live in when the weather starts to cool off and the leaves start to change?

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