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The coziness of a latte

Minifur and I have started a new tradition. It began with a chocolate stick while mommy got her daily latte at the coffee shop and has now transformed into her tiny love of coffee(decaf of course). Every weekend she asks for her coffee time with daddy. Minifur and I have a little girl time before work and school at our favorite local coffee shop. Just us, chatting with the baristas and the locals. Petting the puppy. Looking at the pretty flower in the frothy milk that *E so carefully created and recreated if not photo-worthy. First there were two...
But today we invited minifurs bff and his mommy to partake in our morning happiness. The kids had their coffee, hot cocoa and of course chocolate sticks galore...then they ran around like crazy people. I am pretty sure my friend was covered with a million kisses by the two sugar-junkie kids :) This is what it is about. Friends, fun times, and of course coffee. Our two became four and we couldn't be happier...well until we had to go to work and school LOL

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for including us in your tradition...that latte was not only gorgeous but the perfect way to start my day! xoxox
