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It finally begins...the train to HOCKEY town!

Since before we were even pregnant, I dreamed of being a hockey mom. Boy, Girl, didn't matter. Early morning drives in the snow (I can wish I was up north)to take little bug to the rink for practice. Afternoon practices, weekend games....the SMELL OF THE ICE! For months I counted down the days until she could start ice skating lessons. NOW....after 3 years of fun with little bug, we get to take her to her first skating lesson. We took her a few months back just to see if she was interested. I had the fear that she would hate it and want to play something aweful like basketball (my home state is hooked). But, in her normal fashion she nailed it. First five minutes she could barely stand in those tiny skates, end of the hour we were getting "no mommy, I can do by myself" and then she took off running (in her skates of course)around the rink. Oh little bug..how fearless you are. So today she begins what I hope is the train to Hockey town! The rink told me that if she is good and shows desire she can start playing at 4. 4! can you see that little mini frenchie on the ice, red pigtails, checking her friends into the boards! HA I can..I have seen it a million times in my dreams :)

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