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It's Derby Week - Where the horses are fast, the Bourbon is chilled and the hats are BIG

Depending on where you are located, the 140th Run for the Roses may not be on your radar. But in the south...we are amping up for the "Greatest Two Minutes in Sports"  

I am obviously referring to the Kentucky Derby

This is the time of year when Bourbon is King and he gets snuggly with his lady seersucker to sit back and watch the Horses. Don't forget the hats though..they are a huge part of the Derby. 

image borrowed from the Oatley Team 

Lets begin with BOURBON and the official drink of the day, the Mint Julep

 image borrowed from and article about Woodford Reserve

image borrowed from here 

Check out Waiting On Martha for some delicious twists on the traditional Mint Julep 

Not only does the Derby have a traditional drink but it also has a traditional Pie

Next we have the Fashion of the Derby

You will see men in seersucker and hats

image borrowed from here

You can get all your fashion needs met from the official site for the style of the Derby Vineyard and Vines.

But you must find your own Hat style
image borrowed from here 

image borrowed from here

image borrowed from here

 This year we are attending a party to celebrate the event. The party is hosted by a lovely couple in our Suppa Club (more on that later). Mr. Frenchie (yankee through and through) purchased his first piece of seersucker and a bow tie! Thrilled? You have no idea how thrilled I am. Wonderfully Lost and I have borrowed some very fancy hats from a neighbor of mine who has quite the collection. Each of her hats are lovely in very distinct ways.  Trying them on was a pretty fabulous event too! Nothing like sipping on wine whilst trying on big hats then retiring to the large front porch for rocking and chatting. Did I mention we are  all now southern? You can't hear it but these words drip off my tongue like molasses while I type.

So as you can see, this is a big weekend. I hope you will tune in and enjoy the festivities. I know we will be glued to the screen (possibly one eyed...depending on the bourbon) for the entire 2 minutes!

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