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Here comes Peter Cottontail

Happy Easter Everyone!
I hope your Easter was filled with family, fellowship, and of course good friends and food. 
Ours sure was :)
Church was packed (as usual), the music was wonderful, and the kids were just so darn cute! We celebrated Easter with a Moon Street gaarden party that even included some seersucker (every man in the south should own seersucker (according to the Southerners Handbook from Garden and Gun) and I agree!  Our new bunny enjoyed the day with fresh clover and lots of love. Enjoy! 


One of Miss Hedda's many Easter creations for Minifur 

So much food :)

Miss Hedda has been baking ;)


a refreshing recipe from What Katie Ate 

And the hunting begins...

and goes on....


and on....

  Enjoying the sun :)

Pretty flowers that Coco picked for my "wedding day" ...soooo sweet 

The Moonies ;) sooo much love on Moon Street 


  1. Moon street just knows how to do it! I'm dying to get my paws on this bunny, Hedda wasn't kidding when she said she loved Easter, and if I'm around next year I'm coming to your street! :)
