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The world is a book......

As I mentioned in the previous post, a road trip was in the works and now has been completed (sniff sniff). But what an amazing trip it was. Six states, two countries and 2,776 miles of AMAZING! 

Kentucky Bound

Two books, one journal, endless coffee...

First Coffee...Loveland, OH (outside Cincinnati)
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York then OH CANADA

HAD to stop at Tim Hortons (thanks Joshua Jackson in One Week

Mmmmm Maple Biscuit...

Hey der guy..are your cans in French?

On our way back into the states via Alex Bay in the Thousand Islands...yes...like the dressing

The mighty St Lawrence River...hey...is that Canada eh?

We (well I) developed a slight obsession with the blue spruce 

Seaway Festival in Ogdensburg NY...home of the Frenchie ;) I have NO idea why he wasn't on a float..you would think he was the mayor...look out Mark Valley, I  believe my hubbie is more well known in those parts!

Hello Canada!

now on to SUNY Plattsburgh and home of the "garbage plate"
oh and these awesome people too :)

Mirror Lake...how I have missed you

More coffee...oh and our fave breakfast from Soulshine Bagels in Lake Placid

Breakfast before I wore the Frenchman out on the "short trail" of his choosing...

Hey..what are you doing back there...

But it was worth the pain for this view :)

View from our room at High Peaks Resort

Lake Placid

I love this water tower in Northern Ky!

And back for our little munchkin. She had so much fun with Gigi, Bacca and Gramps!!!

Worn out..

What a wonderful trip visiting family, friends, places. We are looking forward to doing it again soon :)

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