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Easy Summer Dish

Last week on vacation I began reading Notes from a Blue Bicycle, the Art of Living Intentionally In a Chaotic World by Tsh Oxenreider. If you haven't read it I must insist you do. The book will inspire and also frustrate you (frustration from knowing how tied we are to bills, debt, geographic locations, schedules..)  But more on all that in another post.

This post is about food. Her book did inspire me to try to slow down and do the simple act of cooking fresh meals for my family. Cozy and I loaded up for the market after looking through recipes in Southern Living borrowed from my mom. One of the dishes we prepared was this:

Coffee Rubbed Skirt Steak - get recipe here. With a little modification (couldn't find skirt steak so opted for another cut of meat and our coffee was a roast from Cool Beans Coffee Roasters).

The dry rub ingredients smelled amazing especially the coffee :)

I left off the lime juice for dinner that night (actually just forgot to add) but it was still wonderful. The next night I sliced the meat in thin strips and threw them in a skillet with lime juice to heat it up. We enjoyed it on flour tortillas with a quick slaw (red onion, red cabbage (both thin sliced), evoo and balsamic vinegar), extra sharp cheese and a dash of tomatillo salsa. Wonderful even as leftovers and a light meal. No over stuffing, feeling miserable. What are your go to summer dishes?


  1. Looks so yummy and I love that you incorporated Cool Beans :) And I can't wait to read the book...again...ha!

  2. thanks!! i think i need to buy a copy so you can have yours back and i can makes notes too. margaret is reading it now. said its what is needs at this moment :)
