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200 Mill - the hip side of the square

Pop-up shop: a temporary retail store that appears for a short time, typically for one day to three months or in conjunction with other events.  Usually a brick and mortar building typically found in a high traffic area.

The Marietta Square is full of awesome restaurants, antique shops, trendy boutiques, art galleries and well you know my love of one particular "cool" coffee shop. Now in keeping with the times we now have our first Pop-Up Shop - 200 Mill

The concept is simple: provide local artists a venue to shine. 200 Mill hosts a different set of artists every time its open to maintain a fresh, new store that is constantly changing and evolving. In the little time they have been opened, they have hosted a floral workshop,  a "Help A Guy Out" ladies night, and housed several different artists pieces and goods including items from the owners Dana from Boxtree Designs, Inc., Lindsay from Copper and Torch, and artist Ashley Woodson Bailey.

some features this week include: 

light drawings from rinne allen;

jewelry from gunner and lux, glass wall vases and jewelry from co-owner Lindsay;  

this beautiful clutch from very fine south may have gone on my wish list;

cleaning products from tin cup;

paper products from green tie studio;

beautiful art from co-owner ashley;

more from gunner and lux;

more beautiful bags from very fine south;

goods from reciprocitee;

even the chandelier is for sale (by popular demand)!!!

Here are several other items that would be perfect under your Christmas tree this year:

They are currently "popped-up" through December 13th (closed Sunday December 7th). So if you are in the area, stop by to shop and meet the owners. You will be so happy you did (and probably walk out with something special for yourself like this bracelet I picked up yesterday).