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Reliving my childhood...through the eyes of my own child

There are so many thing I want Cozy to experience. So many things from my childhood that I feel she needs to see with her own eyes. Its no secret that I love flight or anything in the air. Whether it be for travel or just for fun; a jet, a sail plane, hot air balloon, or skydiving...I love it all. And have experienced all the above.
Sail plane ride with my dad circa 1982 ish?

I would like Cozy to experience all these things and will do everything I can to make sure this happens. One of my fondest memories is when my dad and I were in a hot air balloon race when my brother was a toddler. I was in kindergarten. Our balloon was the fox and the other balloons were the hounds. It was so much fun. I mention my brother because during the flight we went by mom mom and dad dads to fly over mom and baby John. Being the fox, we could go anywhere in the county we wanted. Low over cows, high above trees. It was fall in Kentucky and the leaves were beautiful. I don't have any photos immediately available but I am pretty sure I was wearing my fur coat ;)  So back to Cozy. We don't know anyone that owns a plane or a balloon so we have to work with what we have. Last year I took her to Ky to visit her aunt, uncle and cousin to watch the hot air balloon glow. It was awesome to see the balloons glowing in the dark. This year though..we had to opportunity to let Cozy experience the balloon. The lines were terrible...but fortunately she was occupied enough with all the surroundings of people dressed in costume, music, and of course the balloons themselves. They were enormous and she was in awe. She couldn't wait to go up. (even wore her cat and owl in a hot air balloon shirt - clothing..that is another story).  We were finally able to go up and she was too short to see out of the basket (and of course we couldn't hold her in our arms) so she stuck her little face out the step window and just giggled as we floated up in the air. I hope one day she can be in a race (or if mommy can talk daddy into getting a balloon ;) ). But for now just the excitement of watching my daughter experience one of the happiest times in my childhood was worth the long wait.

What childhood experiences are you looking forward to sharing with your child?

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