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Refreshing Warm Weather Drinks

Spring/Summer...the weather is warm, the sun is shining brightly, and the outdoor gatherings abound. What makes a warm summer day even more enjoyable...a nice refreshing cocktail! Here are two we have been enjoying around Frenchie Farms :)

The Classic Mojito:
She is crisp with mint, she is cool with ice, and her flavor..hubba hubba!
rum (we prefer cruzan)
crushed ice
fresh mint
fresh lime juice
club soda

We don't measure anything so gauge your beverage on size of the glass. start by muddling the sugar, pint and a tiny bit of water in the bottom of the glass. Next add rum about 1/4 of the glass, add ice to top, throw in lime juice and fill the remainder of the glass with club soda. Give a little stir, garnish with a few more mint leaves and enjoy!

Next, a new favorite, the Moscow Mule!

Look for ginger beer in the ethnic section of your grocery. It comes in a 2 liter or if you live in Alabama you can pick up a 12-pack of buffalo rock ginger beer. the spicier the better!

fresh lime 
ginger beer
fresh mint
copper cup if you have one :)

In a copper cup if you have it, muddle your lime and mint in the bottom of the cup, then add a jigger and a half of vodka. Fill cup to top with ice, and top of the cup with ginger beer. You can add more lime to taste and garnish with the lime and mint (we didn't have garnish for the below shot). Enjoy!

Lastly the tried and true Derby drink of choice, the Mint Julep!
Kentucky Bourbon
sugar cubes
fresh mint
crushed ice
Again, we don't measure....but muddle your mint, a little water, and sugar cubes in a mint julep cup if you have it but in our case, a mason jar :) Fill with ice and add bourbon. Garnish with mint leaves...and....Enjoy!

What is your go to refreshment for the summer?

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